1,081 [SOLVED]Complex resizing question

by Knoobquest

1,082 GParted not working

by ktoddsd

1,086 Where did my free space go?

by jbmaterick

1,088 How to install?

by SillyBilly

1,089 [SOLVED] GNU GRUB? Huh?

by Besyanteo

1,090 Partition problem

by john1801rambo

1,092 SOLVED Where is the GUI

by Johnfds

1,094 What's going on?

by Oldnewbie

1,097 GParted and HP Desktop

by MalcolmRoss

1,100 GParted tutorial

by Oldnewbie

1,101 Gparted failed to boot

by beeman

1,104 Resizing (to less space)

by SaToNiO