Topic: Not Recognizing Partitions in Windows
Hey guys, trying to install Ubuntu on my windows machine.
When I built the computer I paritioned my 80 GB drive into 3 partitions C, E, and F. Windows has C specified as system (and boot). They are all NTSF and windows lists them all as primary drives.
When I use the Ubuntu installer it gets to the partitioning part. It only sees the HD, not the individual paritions, and it is saying that there is only 800 MB available on that harddrive. So it won't do the auto install because it says there isn't enough space. When I try to manually edit the partition table it only sees one partition (not the three) and it only lets me make space for 800 MB.
I've tried the Ubuntu forums,, my local lug group. Now I've come to you begging for help. I've posted screenshots here: … me+install
I imagine I'm doing something wrong as I haven't heard of anyone else having this problem.