Topic: Fatal Error: No Screens Found
Okay the deal is that i am trying to make a windows partition, around 20GB (for xp now, and vista when SP! comes out). I burned the ISO to a CD with Alex Feinman's ISO Recorder (which by default makes it a boot-able CD). When i Load it up it appears to be fine, and i choose the first option (where i choose not to load extra drivers/modules etc etc). It is all fine until i get past the screen that asks me to select my Resolution (doesn't matter which i select as it has the same error), Then it fatal errors, saying there is "No Screens Found".
At first i thought it might just be that it wasn't finding my GPU, so i try again and in the first screen i enabled then menu where it lets me select the type of video card i have. I selected the one for the ATI radeon cards, but still the error persisted.
My System Specs are:
CPU: AMD 3800+ x2
Mobo: Gigabyte K8 Triton (GA-K8NF-9) - a nForce4 based chipset
RAM: OCZ Premium DDR, 1GB
GPU: MSI x1600pro
Screen: 24" Diamond View CRT
Just wondering if you guys had any suggestions, i'll keep tinkering around to see if i can fluke a solution