Topic: lost space on the linux partition
I wanted to devide my suse linux / partition on a SCSI drive (146MB). It was previously split into 2, and 70 GB was allocated to linux (reiserfs) which i used for about 2 years (started with suse version 9, currently using 10.1). I had about 20GB used and 50GB free on it before i tried GParted to split 70GB suse / partition into 27 and 43GB. I downloaded livecd version 0.2.5-5, it started ok but during resizing the GParted window suddenly disappeared. I restarted GParted, it showed that i had now 63 GB used and 7GB free on this disk. Under Suse it shows that 7GB is free and 20GB used, though Partitioner under Yast says 70Gb total. How can I restore my missing 43 Gb?