robot1125 wrote:Full disclosure... I did the initial resizing using systemrescuecd v1.3.2, which claims it has gparted 0.4.8, and parted 1.9.0.
That version of systemrescuecd did not have the patched parted 1.9.0.
robot1125 wrote:How can I tell if it's the "-6" version or not?
The "-6" refers to the incremental identifier of the Live CD. So GParted Live 0.4.8-6 means it has GParted 0.4.8, and that it is the 6th version of the Live CD. The "-6" would be part of the filename (e.g., gparted-live-0.4.8-6.iso)
robot1125 wrote:Anyway, when I did the partition->check, it generated an unspecified error dialog.
Any other ideas?
The error message is contained in the gparted_details.htm file.
ERROR(95): Opening '/dev/hda1' as NTFS failed: Operation not supported
The NTFS journal file is unclean. Please shutdown Windows properly before
using this software! Note, if you have run chkdsk previously then boot
Windows again which will automatically initialize the journal correctly.
Basically it says that Windows was not properly shut down. You need to boot back into windows and perhaps reboot it another time to permit Windows to perform it's own file system checking. After that properly shut down Windows. Then you can use GParted to resize the NTFS partition.