Topic: mount partition using GParted CD
I've downloaded your program Gparted on recommendation from the PCW Mag, in preparation for trying out Ubuntu.
I'm a windows techie (20 yrs) - and thought that I'd try out Linux/Ubuntu.
Unfortunately, I've not been able to download a CRC error free Ubuntu ISO yet to make a CD ... I've requested one.
In the meantime, Gparted can see 4 partitions on my 2nd drive - however they are all unmounted (from what I can see / understand). They consist of 2 primary partitions -1 x FAT32 & 1 x NTFS, the other two partitions are logical (one NTFS the other FAT32).
as there is no facility to mount the partitions in GParted itself, I had a look at the terminal program ... but have so far been unable to type the correct syntax, to get any of the partitions mounted.
Your help would be appreciated ... the whole experience so far has been quite frustrating ... particularly getting any kind of ISO image from Ubuntu.
Thanks in advance ... and for you patience with a Windows IT Professional (who will persevere with regards to trying out Ubuntu/Linux, as soon as I get a CD).