Topic: something went bad and I lost all... ops! :D
That is.
Right now, I am connected from a Ubuntu LiveCD.
Too much planning during the last week... for nothing!
Last night, I ran GParted LiveCD for reorganizing my partitions.
I do the necessary moves (deleting unused and empty partitions, moving from left to right, from right to left, allocating unused space, all that stuff).
Total: 21 operations to be applied.
I click "Apply" and went to sleep.
Today, when I woke up, I see that operation failed at step 11.
Now, I have a 149.5 GB HDD with all the space unallocated.
Time to start from zero...
I have backed-up the important stuff (unrecovereable data, like docs, photos, etc). But I have lost about 60GB of music and movies, jejejeje.
FYI: I haven-t saved technical information about the error that made the process to fail.
If I'm not wrong, it failed in the process of the first resizing/moving step.
I remember I read something that says "f8f8"...
Before touching my HDD again, I will investigate the chances to save anything from my HDD.
Any advice is appreciated.
If after this afternoon I can't save anything... time to start from zero.