1 (edited by lanciaHF 2006-10-04 19:29:01)

Topic: HELP! Unable to copy 52GB partition to a new hard drive???

I have two of the same hard drives and need to copy /dev/sda2 to /dev/hda1. I get the following error "An error occurred while applying the operations. The following operation could not be applied to disk: Copy /dev/sda2 to /dev/hda2 see the detalis for more information"

This is upsetting because the details only show "copy /dev/sda2 to /dev/hda1"

I set Disklabel and was able to copy a smaller FAT16 47meg and a 4GB partition. However, the 52BG partition will not work...maybe it's too big?

I'm in a jam and would appreciate any help. Can GPARTED handle this sort of thing? I was thinking of running out and just buying Partition Magic

Thank you for anyhelp on this!!


Re: HELP! Unable to copy 52GB partition to a new hard drive???

strange, please make sure you use the latest gparted and send us the actual saved details.
