Topic: Is this resizing possible with GParted?
I've read the documentation for the program and it looks like and easy to use program, but I'm a total noobie. From what I've gathered from quick research on the new there can be special issues with boot partitions and the order of the partitions. I just wanted to make sure that I would be able to this before I attempt it and mess something up.
I currently have two NTFS partitions, about equal size:
C (primary partition): data
D (boot/logical drive): win xp, program files
I plan to delete the C: partition after I've moved my data to a second hard drive I'm putting in my laptop for data storage only. So, I will have a lot of unallocated space.
What I want to do is resize the D: partition to take in all the unallocated space, so that my hard drive only consists of one partition.
Will I be able to do this? Will the fact that the C: partition is to the left of the D: be an issue? If so, is there away around that?
Thanks for the help!