Topic: GParted development is ON !

Dear you all,
Very good news for GParted !
In the meanwhile I announced that I can't continue maintaining the livecd (which is true),
I was contacted by a new C++ dev !....

Read more details here : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/news.php

Have a good day :-)

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: GParted development is ON !

I am a newby and this is my first post so please bear with me.
I tried gparted livecd and wiped out my hard drive and had to start from scratch.
I have successfully partitioned my drive into 4 partitions, how do I "name" them?

Thanks for the help.



Re: GParted development is ON !

Although in the wrong forum section and totally out of topic (it would be better to start a new topic), there is no need to name them. The o.s. understands them.

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/move operations. ***