Topic: No devices found
I have a media center PC I built which has is running a Gigabyte mobo with Intel G965 chipset and a Pentium D processor. I wanted to partition the drive so I could try out Vista. At first I tried a version 3.3 disk I had used a couple months back to do the same thing on my desktop PC. It booted up fine, but the partition editor says "No devices detected" so I couldn't actually do anything. This PC is a little strange in that it has a bunch of SATA ports, but only one IDE port, and yet in the BIOS everything shows up as being on the IDE bus. I thought maybe that was the problem and figured I'd give the newest version a try to see if perhaps this setup had been addressed. So I downloaded GParted 3.4.6 and tried it, but it wont even boot. It gets just past the keyboard map selection and then errors out....
>>Determining root device ...
>>Determining looptype ...
!! Invalid loop location: /gparted.dat
!! Please export LOOP with a valid location, or reboot and pass a proper loop=...
!! kernel command line!
I'm not sure if this matters but the DVD drive I'm using is SATA and the hard drives are IDE. (just the parts I had when I built it)
Anyway, if anyone has any advice as to how to get the older version to see the drives or get the newer version to boot and see the drives, then I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not really a Linux guy, but I'm fairly technical so I should be able to figure it out with proper instruction.