Topic: How do I create a new partition without formatting?


I want to create a ext3 partition over an old ext3 partition that accidentially was deleted, But since I want to see my data again I do not want to format the new partition. How do I set if I want GParted to format or not format a new partition?


Re: How do I create a new partition without formatting?

pfew, i don't think that's possible yet. You can create an unformatted partitition, but this will
a) wipe all existing filesystemsignatures
b) most likely not end up where you want it

b) is important, because the new partition should start exactly at the same sector as the filesystem. Right now it's not possible to specificy the postition of a partition in this detail. You should either use fdisk or parted from commandline or wait till gparted-0.3.1 or 0.3.2


Re: How do I create a new partition without formatting?

...and if you just create a partition with fdisk including the size of the old one, i think you will keep the data, because fdisk doesnt run any format...
It is exactly what i do when i want to change the number of the partitions on my hd...

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Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)