Topic: Resize partition action incorrectly calaculates parition size.....


I have a Hpt 2320 RAID card. I'm running Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 and everything is working fine.

Just dropped in two more disks and expanded my array, and now I want to resize my ext3 partition to use the new capacity.

gparted 0.2.5 is available from the Ubuntu repository so I installed that. The partition is visible and the new capacity is visible. All OK so far....

When I set a resize operation from 1,4TB to 2.3TB, on clicking the resize button, everything changes.

On the main window the graphical representation of the physical disk changes the partition size down to 280.44GB  and displays 2.0TB as unallocated space.

In the window below it reports:
drive, fs, size, used, unused, flags
/dev/sda1,  ext3,  280.44GB, 1.31TB, -1138936863744.00 B
unallocated, unallocated, 2.0TB, ---, ---

Hmmmmm, I've tried this a couple of times, same result each time. Is there a size limit I've hit here or something silly that I've not thought about?

I considered installing the latest version from the web site, in case it was a known issue, and has been fixed. However when I run ./configure I get an error:

"checking for libparted >= 1.7.1... configure: error: *** Requires libparted >= 1.7.1"

When you type "apt-get install libparted":

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting libparted1.7-1 for regex


Re: Resize partition action incorrectly calaculates parition size.....

Use the GParted LiveCD. It has the newest version on it. Don't use GParted-0.2.5 on Ubuntu, it fairly buggy.

If GParted LiveCD doesn't work you could always try SystemRescueCD or Parted Magic.