Topic: I can not clean my harddisk :/


I want to reinstall my windows and than install a linuxdistro.

When I want to format a part of my harddisk to ext3, than there remains about 500Mib on the part of the drive. That part with 'files' is yellow in Gparted....

I can not clean my disk hmm

I've now installed windows Xp on my disk, but that 'clean install' takes 3Gb of the disk... a little bit much for a clean windows install....
When I want to make another linuxpartition and format a part to ext3, I cannot completely clean the part of the disk...

What's the problem here and how can I solve it?


Re: I can not clean my harddisk :/

Please, be more accurate and specific on the problem, and give information about your hard disk(s): how many of them? their size?

Next, the content in a hard disk is organised in partitions. Each partition is formatted according a filesystem. Any disk space outside partitions is called "unallocated space" and usually isn't accessible by operating systems. You can't have files outside partitions.

Furthermore, you can give us the information reported by Gparted on your actual partitions. Even better, you can give us a screenshot of Gparted screen with this information.

About xp on disk, take into account that it reserves some disk space to use as virtual memory. So, 3 GB could be right. I had xp installed in a new computer recently (2GB RAM) and had 3-4 GB just before any software installed.

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/move operations. ***