Topic: I can't see my files after a partition copy
First of all, congratulations to development team and all the people who works on this project, for the great work on gparted.
Have been using GParted at ubuntu and GParted Live media for some time, but yesterday was using GParted Live media to perform a partition backup, and had a troubled, about what I'm here for asking your help.
Was copying (using Gparted copy and paste) a 90GB ext3 partition from sda to sdb, both SATA HDs. Partition was about 60GB used.
Had apparently no trouble as power off, but at process end, both partitions, on sda and sdb, show just 1,48GB used (using gparted), and using Nautilus Ubuntu, just appear that "lost+found" folder and no more files.
So, I ask you:
1) any idea on what could have happened to cause the trouble described?
2) thinking about buying (an expensive) data recovery service. Any suggestions on what I could try to recover lost data before that?
Thanks in advance for your attention and opinion.