Topic: How do I resize file system inside encrypted, LVM on Thinkpad W530
I need to resize my partitions to create more space for the /boot partition to allow for large software updates.
The /boot partition (ext2) is approximately 500MB with about 382MB free space after a cleanup of old files.
The / partition is ext4
The W530 has a 960GB SSD HD with 32GB of memory, running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS with LUKS encryption on the drive.
I can get gparted live to run from the DVD drive, but cannot seem to change the partitions.
I've been able to open the encryption, but still cannot change the partition sizes.
The LVM2 PV device is /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt
The extended partition (partition 2) is /dev/sda.
The encrypted partition is /dev/sda5.
The primary partition (partition 1) is /dev/sda1.
I do have some basic screenshots but am unfamiliar with how to include them. I can see the tagging example, but the img files are on other computer, not at a URL.