Topic: gparted does not see existing partitions
My Win 7 disk mgr sees
1 dev/sda
1 dev/sda 1 ntfs. 104 MB. 23MB. win 7
1 dev/sda 2. ntfs 504832MB. 497277MB
1 dev/sda 5. ext4. 495264MB. 16923 MB
gparted pops up a small window that says, “invalid partition table on /dev/sda - - wrong signature 0”.
a larger window eventually finds no partitions and almost 1 TB. available.
The ext4 had linux on it. I erased it because I could not shrink the partition. I want to shrink that so I can expand the one listed above. Thought Gparted was supposed to do that.
novice here.