Topic: SOLVED GPARTED LIVE can'r see my partitions . windoze can
Long story but I have mbr max partitions; gparted live now sees one exactly, with an arbitrary size in excess of any current or previous partition.
what to do?
CAUSE: Last Windows 8.1 version change but one, of the three Linux related partitions two ext4 one Fat32 for boot loader for Ubuntu to fit Win8.1 as boot for multi boot set up..I deleted the Linus swap. So as to expand the experimental windows partition. Tried to create a new one. Can't remember what my excuse was - was related to creating a primary for Ubuntu - so I resized moved deleted re-created the experimental windows partition and the three Linux related ones. bad idea.
Neither a windows nor a Ubuntu installer can find a primary drive...restored the old win experimental, Ubuntu, Linux swap, Fat32 from external image.
Managed to use a windows-based tool (easeUS partition manager) to restore mbr; re-installed the windows experimental as a primary, updated in to 8.1 Spring Update, it is fine; changed it to logical.
Removed all Linux related partitions; used DVD based easeUS to again rebuild mbr. re-created a primary for Ubuntu a swap a FAT32
Windows sees all the partitions - from running OS, from an installer DVD, from various partition managers.