Topic: [closed] Handle MB and sector to create partitions, not only MiB
Hi there,
I have recently had a problem with my partition table (I accidentally erased it). I realized immediately and I didn't turn the PC Off. Although the partition table was physically erased, all the information was still there (I could find it using Disk Utility or Gparted or the command: cat /proc/partitions). So I would've been able to re-create the partition structure with Gparted before turning the PC off, and everything would be solved.
Actually, I couldn't. The reason is that the Ubuntu installation uses MB (so my partitions were created in MB units), but Gparted uses MiB... they don't match.
For instance, upon installation I created my swap partition as 4096 MB. This is 3096,25 MiB... I can not introduce this value onto Gparted.
So my suggestion is to include the ability of creating partitions on MB (or even bytes, as in the Disk Utility) and also sectors (as in /proc/partitions).
In my case, you will wonder why I didn't use the Gparted Rescue Live CD... I did, but I have RAID 0 installed on my PC, so it only found 3 of my 5 partitions (same result than Testdisk). The solution was to use the Ubuntu Live Installation CD, re-create the partitions using MB (as the original ones) and then restore a previous backup of the / partition I had. I finally got it all working, but using a walkaround not based on Gparted.
Thanks a lot you guys for providing us with a so powerful tool... for free!!! I hope this suggestion may help.