julien@linux-mbpu:~> cd git-gparted/gparted
julien@linux-mbpu:~/git-gparted/gparted> rm gnome-doc-utils.make
rm: ne peut enlever `gnome-doc-utils.make': Unknown file
julien@linux-mbpu:~/git-gparted/gparted> gnome-doc-prepare --force
Remember to add 'GNOME_DOC_INIT' to configure.in.
You should add the contents of '/usr/share/aclocal/gnome-doc-utils.m4' t 'aclocal.m4'.
Putting files in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR, 'm4'.
julien@linux-mbpu:~/git-gparted/gparted> ./autogen.sh
./autogen.sh: line 21: locate : Unknown command
Cannot find file: gnome-doc-utils.make
You need to install gnome-doc-utils from the GNOME SVN
Then I installed locate.
I uninstalled gnome-doc-utils and gnome-common with yast and I reinstalled them from the git repositories:
linux-mbpu:/home/julien # find / -name gnome-doc-utils.make
julien@linux-mbpu:~> echo $PATH
julien@linux-mbpu:~/git-gparted/gparted> ./autogen.sh
Cannot find file: gnome-doc-utils.make
You need to install gnome-doc-utils from the GNOME SVN
I don't understand why ./autogen.sh can't find gnome-doc-utils.make