Topic: Does Gpated Change Filesystem Size?

I have the a HDD with the partitions shown in the image below;

     Sda1 is NTFS and contains the operating system and dll files for windows but not the program files and data which is on the extended partition.

     The extended partition is sda2 which contains sda5 with the windows data and sda6 with the ubuntu swap partition.


I needed to re-size sda1 by either backing up and deleting sda2 and resizing sda1 and then create a new partition where the unallocated data is remaining of sda2 or shrink sda2 and then grow sda1. I am wondering if Gparted will also re-size the file-system with the partition as I shrink or grow a partition like would the tool parenthesize? I heard from someone who works in IT say it will not and I will wreck my data if I shrink it without following the step of shrinking the file system down to as much as possible with ntfsresize, shrink the partition and then grow the file system again to the size of the partition. Is this true?

Thanks So Much!



Re: Does Gpated Change Filesystem Size?

GParted will shrink or grow an NTFS file system as needed when shrinking or growing the partition.

For a list of which file systems GParted can shrink or grow, see the Features page.

Please note that it is highly recommended that you back up your data when modifying the partition table so that you can recover from software errors, hardware problems, or power failures.


Re: Does Gpated Change Filesystem Size?

Thank you I was not sure how the file systems are differentiated from the partition . Isn't the file system basically like a giant pointer table pointing to where the chunks or "files" are located? Got a good analogy to distinguish the partition from file system if the pointer tables ( hash table ) isn't correct?

Thank You So Much GedakC.


Re: Does Gpated Change Filesystem Size?

You can read more about partition tables at the following links:
Master Boot Record - Main portion of MSDOS partition table
Extended Boot Record - part of MSDOS partition table
GUID Partition Table - a different type of partition table


Re: Does Gpated Change Filesystem Size?

Thank You!