Topic: [SOLVED]usb boot using grubinst menu.lst cant find media containg live
hi,ive been hacking away for quite a while now
im booting gparted from usb using the live cd Gparted 0.6.2-2
using grubinst gui
my file arrangment is on the usb is as follows
Gparted 0.6.2-2,grldr,menu.lst /
Gparted 0.6.2-2,isolinux,live,syslinux,copying,gparted live version
my menu.lst
title Gparted-live-0.6.2-2
root (hd0,0)
kernel /gparted-live-0.6.2-2/live/vmlinuz live-media-path=/gparted-live-0.6.2-2 bootfrom=/dev/sd toram=filesystem.squashfs boot=live union=aufs noswap noprompt vga=789 ip=frommedia
initrd /gparted-live-0.6.2-2/live/initrd.img
im getting the following errors :-
unable to find a media containing a live image
and debian:-
this debian live image failed to boot
any help here, or issues i need to learn or any direction would be of most use so thanks in advance