1 (edited by gedakc 2016-05-04 22:41:27)

Topic: [closed] Mount a Network Drive/Folder

This, in part, relates to the 'Easily making compressed partition backups' request here: http://gparted-forum.surf4.info/viewtopic.php?id=128

It would be wonderful if we could mount network partitions via the GParted LiveCd.  Currently I use GParted to resize my images before I use ntfsclone (via Knoppix LiveCD) to move them to a network drive.  At the moment Knoppix doesn't recognize my SATA drives properly; the same kernel issue GParted had I would assume.

The only part missing from GParted LiveCD is the network mount bit.  If I could mount the NTFS mount from my Windows 2003 server I would only need GParted.

With that ability, at some point to integrate that into the GParted application itself would be fantastic.


Re: [closed] Mount a Network Drive/Folder

I second that. I would like to use the GParted Live CD at work, cloning partitions with partimage to a remote server, but GParted doesn't recognize my eth0.


Re: [closed] Mount a Network Drive/Folder

Well, let's point out some issues we will get if we add such options to the livecd :
- the size of iso will increase. It is 50MO atm (do you know one way to reduce the size, using gentoo-catlyst building tool ?)
- adding features like these, will increase the probability of bug and crashes
- adding these feature suppose to update them asap.

So please, if you know one way to reduce the size, using gentoo-catlyst building tool, let me know.
If you are sure of the availability of network options let me know too. What about the size ?

thx for your help.

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)