Topic: Shrink partition with vista on DELL

I just bought a Dell dimension 521 which was provided with vista installed.
Yesterday, I downloaded and burnt the latest SystemRescueCd release x86-0.3.2 which provided GParted 0.3.3.

The SATA 320Go hard disk contains :
sda1 Fat 16 55Mo (dell utilities)
sda2 NTFS  10Go (recovery)
sda3 NTFS 289Go (vista ~10Go used)

I would like to shrink sda3 from 289Go to 50Go and create an extended partition where my prefered OS GNU/Linux will reside. I then used GParted but it failed.
Details shows:
Calibrate /dev/sda3                 Ok
Calculate new size and poistion Ok
Check FS                                Ok
Shrink FS                                Ko
Check FS                                Ok
Grow FS                                  Ko

I checked ntfsresize: version which I read it is supposed to work with a vista partition (libntfs is 9.0.0)
Any ideas or feedback on what happend ?
Thank you for any info.


Re: Shrink partition with vista on DELL

I am not the sysreccd maitainer, so i guess you 'd better go to the right forum... http://www.sysresccd.org/forums/

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: Shrink partition with vista on DELL

Yes Larry, may be I'm wrong but don't you think that the problem is from GParted itself, not with sysrescuecd which is only a special OS to provide among others this tool ?


Re: Shrink partition with vista on DELL

i didnt make any test on vista, since i havent got this *** software here, so i cant tell you how come !

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: Shrink partition with vista on DELL


To Phlinux; you may want to look at other Vista posts here in the GParted forum; bottom line, you could run into trouble if you try to use tools other than those built into Vista. You can safely shrink partitions from within Vista's Disk Management.

I think it's a bit silly suggesting posting on the SystemRescue forum instead; the Vista issues are well documented here already, and it makes no difference whether you use SystemRescue or GParted Live CD (at time of writing Feb 07).

In theory, ntfsresize is now compatible with Vista, so GParted should work, but right now it does not and nor do any other Linux based tools.

From what I can tell the problems arise when you use Vista's partitioning software and then try to use Dos, Linux or Partition Magic to alter them. In theory, if you created the partitions from within Dos, Linux and THEN installed Vista, you may find you can then manipulate them with the older tools. MAYBE.

Soon it won't be possible to buy a new PC _without_ Vista, so it's a bit worrying if GParted is not being heavily tested with Vista.

To Phlinux; I'm interested to know how your PC boots into Vista? Which partition is marked Active and where does bootmgr reside?


Re: Shrink partition with vista on DELL

Okay : if someone agree, just send me one vista, i will make it working :-p

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)