mattncsu03 wrote:I spent the last two hours trying to get the live cd to boot with a readable font on my 1280x720 monitor. The window size was fine but the font was so small a letter was barely 3 pixels tall. I tried several different Forcevideo combinations with no luck, the font was always far too small.
I discovered on a fluxbox site that if I quit X (I was barely able to make it out in the right-click menu) and restarted X using
everything came up with with nice readable fonts.
Anyways, I hope this helps someone. I was so frustrated that I had to sign up to post how I got it working.
Hallelujah! Awesome, that worked. Thanks for posting it!
Just posting the following for anyone else who may stumble across it one day.
My font was literally too small and tiny to even make out, I think the text was only 1 or 2 pixels high! This was on my HTPC setup (home theater PC) connected to a 1280x720 Sanyo Front Projector. I had to put the disc in another computer and load it up to figure out where the quit x option was.
For those folks who need to know, you right click on an open area (in the teal background) and it's the very bottom option, then in the sub menu that pops out to the right, it's the second from the bottom one you need to select (called "Exit X"). Also FYI, in my setup -dpi 80 worked a bit better than -dpi 100.