Topic: usb booting problem

First, i have to say i did not follow these steps <a href="http://gparted.sourceforge.net/liveusb.php">here</a>. I'm using a 4GB drive, and the filesystem is ext2. and I'm using the extlinux boot loader with the syslinux menu. I can boot other stuff from this drive like DSL and backtrack. The kernel and initrd loads, like all of the other  distros do, but then all it dose it outputs "Ready." on the screen. I don't think it's the filesystem I'm using because most initrd are ext2, so it should read my partiton on the drive with no problem. The other thing is fat16 only gos up to 2GB partition, I know I could just partition the drive and put everything on a fat16, but I don't want to use fat16 in the first place. The other reason I don't think it's the filesystem is becasue the kernel and initrd should load and give me and error not being about to load gparted image, instead it just sets there. any ideas or thoughts?


Re: usb booting problem



Re: usb booting problem

sorry, not from my side, I have no experience at all with booting from USB, maybe you can try the sticky USB topic?