Topic: ....to long time.

I 've used Gparted to rearrange my partitions on my desktop pc and everything went fine.

Before 3days I started the same rearrangement on my laptop and Gparted has not finished yet... ??? It is not stacked. Yestarday it completed the first of the five operations and now it is in operation 2 and.. "keep walking"

It is hard for me to wait another ???days..... what will happen if I cancel the proccess? Shall I loose some data???


Re: ....to long time.

My friend, some tasks can be very long to complete.
I resized an ntfs partition in 9 seconds!
But moving partitions in a disk with very little free space, moving the start of a partition, or slightly moving a partition to the right, can be long to complete.

Take into account please that the desktop hard drives are usually bigger and faster that those of the laptop computers, very often less% full.

I don't know the exact operations you do, but I wouldn't tell you to cancel. There is always high risk to loose data.

gparted can do many operations in chain, but I prefer to do them one at the time, to have a better control. A tip would be even to move a partition to another drive, to facilitate work on other partitions, and move it back at the end of the process.

Don't forget that you must restart to w!ndows at least 2-3 times after resizing any w!ndows partition. Are they Linux or w!ndows partitions?

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/move operations. ***