1 (edited by Johan 2006-09-02 18:56:41)

Topic: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

I have 2 PC's, each with an external hard disk.
GParted is able to detect the drive on one PC, conected via the 1394 port.
But not on the other, via usb 1.1 (no 1394 port on that PC). In fact, GParted keeps searching for that drive forever, and the system hangs.
How can I make GParted access the usb drive too ?


Re: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

did you try a coldplug or hotplug, or both ?

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

Hhuhhmm ... coldplug ? hotplug ?  sad  Sorry Larry, you lost me.
Trying to repartition a Win XP Home and a Win 2000 WS system.
Problem was on the  W2K system.
I'm using the LiveCD v0.2.5-5.
The external drive was on when I booted from that LiveCD.
I understand I will have to mount it when I leave it off till GParted has started, but I'm completely new to Linux, so doubt if I will be able to do that.
My aim is precisely to repartition my system(s) and install Linux, to start gaining experience.
And GParted looks to me the perfect tool for the repartitioning task, as I'm removing any not officialy owned software from my system, and moving to free and/or open source tools instead.
Specially the iso for the LiveCD is a particularly good idea of you guys (no installation hassle *at all*, just burn and run).


Re: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

Johan, about cold and hot plugs, i just noticed that some motherboard cant "see" usb device when they are n ot plug BEFORE the pc is switched on (-----------> that's what i call coldplug smile). hotlug ... i'm sure you know wink

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

Sorry Larry, still mixed up.
Is this right ? -> coldplug = usb drive is on before pc is booted


Re: [SOLVED] How to make external usb hard disk accessable ?

Well, hmm, seems I was a little too impatient the previous try.
If I wait that few seconds longer all drives are available on the second pc too, included the one via usb.
(I even have tried another solution : attach the usb-drive of pc2 to pc1 via the 1394 port, and that worked too.)
And Larry, I did put the usb drive on before booting with the LiveCD, so everything was automatically detected wink ).
So thanks for answering, and this thread may be marked [SOLVED] afaik.