1 (edited by burke 2006-08-31 20:13:34)

Topic: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Say I have an extended partition containing swap immediately before (to the left of) my '/' -- a large primary reiser partition. Is there any way I can use gparted to grow the extended partition 'over' the reiser one? (ie. I want the swap and reiser in the same extended partition).

|   SWAP

|   SWAP
|   reiser

Thanks very much for your help.

...also, are there any steps I should take before I resize a reiser partition (decrese by 10GB) (Other than backing up my data, obviously)? Am I at a high risk of losing data?

Thanks again.


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

resizing is as save as it can be, don't worry about that (make the backup though wink )

you cannot 'move' a primary partition into an extended, but.. you can simply copy it in the extended partition. NOTE that it's number will change and you have to update lilo or grub if you want to boot from it. Most likely this will also mean you have to change your /etc/fstab.

But, you should consider why you want to have your boot partition inside the extended? I cannot think of any problems so quickly, but i also don't see any benefits.

have fun smile

3 (edited by burke 2006-08-31 22:08:31)

Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

ok, here's what I really have:


I need to make a 10GB primary partition (doesn't matter where on the disk), but I already have 4 and the best way I can think of is to put swap and root in an extended partition (can you see any alternatives?)

I could shrink the reiser, but I'd have to move it to the right before I could copy it into the extended, and apparently moving reiser isn't supported. This is so difficult!  :S



Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

ah, now i understand smile
ok, best way to do this is to start using the latest livecd. You are using a very old version of gparted which is dangerous.

Then... the best thing to do is to shrink /dev/hda4, delete your swap, and create an extended partition in the free space. Then do whatever you want using copy smile

but please!! use the latest version. it's only 30 meg to download.


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Yeah, I just launched my Ubuntu version to get a screencap, I'll be using the LiveCD for the actual partitioning. 

Thanks very much for your help, I'll give it a shot!

Burke Libbey


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

I'm running gparted from the LiveCD now, and it says it's resizing the reiser partition (shrinking). However, the display hasn't updated in almost 20 minutes. Is it frozen, or is it just very, very busy? How long would you guess it should take to shrink a reiser partition from 60-some GB to 7GB? I guess the data's fairly spread around in it, so there's quite a bit of shuffling to do, but shouldn't the screen be working? I moved the mouse 20 minutes ago and it still hasn't moved on-screen. Is this normal?

I hope so -- I've only backed up /home, so it'll still be a pain to reinstall wink Oh well. I'll wait and see I guess.

Burke Libbey,


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

yes such a big shrink may take some times  !
Plors is gone and wont be back before tomorrow...

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Ok, thanks for the reassurance, LarryT. I guess I'll go vacuum and just hope it's done something by the time I get back wink


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Uhhh..... my hard drive access light should probably be flashing, right?

For the last 40 minutes, my computer has been locked up without the disk access light flashing. This basically means I have to reboot and just hope my partition isn't dead, right?


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

whew. I can still boot. I'm running reiserfsck to correct the damage done. I'll stop flooding the forum with posts now, sorry wink


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions … p?t=479258

oh well. I hope I can get it working eventually.


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Seems to be fixed : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions … ost2404337 !

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

Yeah, it is. Sorry I didn't come back sooner. I'd change the topic title to [SOLVED], but I don't know how.

Either way, thanks for your support.



Re: [SOLVED] Moving a primary into an extended.

burke, i didn't read the other topic, so i don't know what went wrong, but in the future you should attach the operationdetails to threads like these. They really help in determining what went wrong.
