Topic: Video Card Wiped?

I was setting up an NTFS resize (never started it) when the program crashed. I hard rebooted, and now my video card is not talking to my monitor. I get no monitor signal, though windoze boots up fine (my linux box still sees it on the net) I don't see how it could have killed my card, but could it have reset a video bios setting or something? I get no bios splash, nothing. Any ideas?

nVidia GeForce 7950GT 512MB
AMD x64
Asus M2N-E nForce 570 Ultra
320GB WD Caviar, 110GB Free



Re: Video Card Wiped?

Could you please try to switch off your computer, the unplug all electric cable, wait for 5 seconds, then plug cable and power ON ?

I think there is something to do with cache memory which has not been freed

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: Video Card Wiped?

Meant to mention this but I forgot, already did that and have taken the card all the way out for 10+ min. I also have an old radeon that I plugged in and that works fine. I'm currently booted to safe mode and windoze detects the card just fine. I'm trying to get it to boot into normal mode so I can troubleshoot the NV card, but so far no luck.