Topic: undetected Filesystems

Happy new Year,
I need some assistance managing the filesystem of my new notebook.
Windows 11 is installed by default, I want to add Ubuntu. For this I have to enlarge the boot partition, but resizing the following ntfs filesystem with the tool on Ubuntu Live didn't work. So I downloaded "GParted Live 1.5.0-6". Trying to resize the ntfs-partition, Gparted tells me, that it can't read the ntfs partition. There is a warning, that probably some software packages could miss, ntfs-3g / ntfsprogs.
I was quite confident, that Gparted would come with these packages, so I don't understand whats going wrong.

I would be happy for some support, as I don't know, what to check next.

Best regards, K


Re: undetected Filesystems

GParted live contains everything for the supported filesystems. It is safer to check the checksum value after downloading the iso file to discard the case of broken download.

In order to modify ntfs filesystems you have to be sure that you did a complete o.s. shutdown before (no "sleep"). When you close the notebook's cover/screen, it goes power off, however in reality it goes to "sleep". This is a usual issue, at least for "newbies".

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/move operations. ***