Topic: Grub4Dos - - Cannot Mount selected partions
Good evening,
I am trying to boot most recent live Gparted.iso (gparted-live-1.3.1-1-amd64.iso) with grub4dos (0.4.6a) on a USB drive.
I have followed the instruction located here( which contains
title gparted 28.1 live
find --set-root /gparted-live-0.28.1-1-i686.iso
map /gparted-live-0.28.1-1-i686.iso (0xff) || map --mem /gparted-live-0.28.1-1-i686.iso (0xff)
map --hook
root (0xff)
kernel /live/vmlinuz boot=live union=overlay username=user components noeject vga=788 ip= findiso=/gparted-live-0.28.1-1-i686.iso toram=filesystem.squashfs
initrd /live/initrd.img
However the line root (0xff) is executed i recieve the erroe "Cannout mount selected Partition"
Is there a solution to this?