Topic: Strange partition question - how do I move space between partitions

I have a 1TB SSD with Windows and Ubuntu.

The Windows partition has 400GB free. I would
like to take 200GB and add it to the Ubuntu

Windows is in partition 4 and Ubuntu 5.

How would I take the free space and add it to
the Ubuntu partition.

Both partitions have free space and the end of
their partition.

Also the PC boots using GRUB. That would also
need adjustment, yes?



Re: Strange partition question - how do I move space between partitions

1. Make sure you have backups of data you care about.  While GParted is used successfully every day, hardware faults can always occur and damage or loose data.

2. See Moving Space Between Partitions for example instructions.  The concept is the same, but your disk layout sounds a little different to that example.

3. I always recommend composing 1 change in GParted and applying it, before moving on to the next change.

4. No adjustments to GRUB will be necessary.  It boots your OSs from specific partitions (4 and 5 by the sound of it).  It gets the information of where those partitions are from the partition table, which will obviously be updated by GParted as it resizes and moves them about.