1 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-11 17:41:38)

Topic: resize

Hello.I want resize my system disk(ext3) and nonallocated dates are on the left side.So dates are not continual(between the system disk and free space are NTFS disks) .
Please could you give me some advices.How to remove the system disk on left side.
Thank you


Re: resize

i have no idea what you're talking about smile
please send us a screenshot of you situation and make sure you use the latest gparted livecd


Re: resize

Ok.I will send my situation.But can I ask you how to sent a screenshot here:)And the sreenshot:--> something.png-and I do not know in which program open this picture.Do you know some good easy program for forming images..?(and why I can not open .png in GIMP)
THANKS a lot for help.Im beginner


Re: resize

may this helps? http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/ti … enshot.htm

5 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-15 18:02:26)

Re: resize

Here si my situation:
I can remove only /dev/hda5 but I need remove and grow up the ext3 disk...is it possible?www.diversus.czweb.orghttp://www.diversus.czweb.org/Obrazovka.jpg


Re: resize

Hi, the reason you cannot do anything to /dev/hda3 is because it's mounted. Since you cannot unmount your rootpartition you need to start gparted from a livecd. I advice you to use the gparted livecd (http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php).

If you boot from it you can do anything you want to your partitions.

Have fun smile

7 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-16 17:15:24)

Re: resize

Ok,I had a live CD before and I know that I can not remove the root partition when Im here:)
But I do not know how remove /dev/hda3 in live CD....this is the problem.
I can remove/grow up only /dev/hda5 because this partition is on the left side......Is it truth?
So I need have /dev/hda3 on the left side in between /dev/hda5 and free space(grey area)

8 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-18 19:15:25)

Re: resize

So my problem is unsolvable?...may be yes because I can move with disks only from left to right..I can not shift disks from right side to the left side,
Please If you have some Ideas, I will be  glad at them.
(sorry for my english8-)


Re: resize

Please, could you tell us if you have tried the last livecd ? 0.3.1
With the livecd, no partition can be still mounted : it should solve your problem....

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)

10 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-19 17:57:52)

Re: resize

You can see on this page www.diversus.czweb.org that dev/hda2 is separated from grey zone with small grey chalk:)...it is not continuous.But I can easily move with dev/hda5 cause it is continuous...and this rectangle is marked extendet.I think this is the problem.Is it clear?:)
I have 0.3.1


Re: resize

well the picture is very low to laod sad
But i guess you should resize the logical partition from the right to the left : THEN, and only then, you could resize your hda2 !!!
It is gray, but it only means that there is nothing in this area !!! But to resize  (and grow up) your hda2, you must BEFORE shrink the logical partition. Right ?

BTW : why dont you delete the black one ? (just to know).

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: resize

I thought that the black one is useless-for nothing.
Thanks for advice.Sorry,but how can I resize the logical partition from the right to the lefta and logical means which disk?:)
The picture is important for understand my situation.
I dont know how to explain it..


Re: resize

logical was a wrong word : i meant "extended" = hda1 !
sorry fot this !
You first need to umount the hda5 (right click and choose umount)
Then clic in the extended partition and choose resize in the panel, and move from the right to the left the handle ...

okay ?

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)

14 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-22 19:04:13)

Re: resize

When I boot Live CD disks are unmount automaticaly.Your advice would be good but when I want resize extendet partition I must have some free space-gray area.But I have not.Next to my extendet partition are tree disks...Windows system disk/dev/hda2),swap and Linux---this disk  I want resize.It means that  I must delete all disks and then resize the extendet partition and then create new partition(bigger than before)And install linux system again.Is it truth?
May be the best way is:Delete dev/hda2 and grew up dev/hda3


Re: resize

i'm very sorry, but i still don't know what you want to do tongue
Are you aware you can copy/paste partitions? Using that in combination with grow/shrink should enable you to do whatever you want.

If that doesn't help you, please send us your preferred layout, so we can tell you how to do it.

PS. maybe (even probably) you already explained this, but i'm very pressed  for time and can't read all your messages thoroughly. If you can give me your desired situation i promise i'll have a look at it.

16 (edited by jimmyjek 2006-10-26 13:56:57)

Re: resize

My problem is SOLVED.I only shrink /dev/hda3 a grow up linux partition(dev/hda3.)
I wanted resize-grow up extended partition.I would can do it, but I would have to delete all disk who not belong to extendet partition.And then install linux  and other systems again.
I dont know if you understand me.Now, I have no problem:)
Thanks for help!


Re: resize

Have fun ! smile

GParted-project Admin
Former GParted-LiveCD maintainer (2007)


Re: resize

haha smile i'm glad it's solved smile