i use the newest Version (downloaded yesterday): GParted 0.3.1 , LiveCD 0.3.1-1
Here are the partitioin Data:
Festplatte: /dev/hda (37.31 GiB)
Values after second change:
Partition Dateisystem Size Used Unused Markierungen.
/dev/hda1 fat 32 1.57 GiB 1.18 GiB 398.72 MiB boot
/dev/hda2 extended 11.34 GiB - - Iba
/dev/hda5 fat 32 9.77 GiB 4.47 GiB 5.29 GiB
/dev/hdae fat16 1.57 GiB boot
nicht zugeteilt 24.40 GiB
Befor i started the hda1 was a fat16 system. First i changed it to 3 GB. (therefor i shrinked the hda5 and hda2)
Then it dident boot and i tryed to undo it. I changed it back to 1.57 GB and now it is still fat32 but windows still doesent boot. When switching the computer on it shows after a few seconds two rows of strange symbols.
I think it is because of the fat32 instead of fat16 ??
Is there a way to set it back to fat16 without deleting all data?
Or is there something else i can do?
Thanks for any Help