Topic: Diskcheck and new hardware found after using gParted: Normal?


After shrinking the Windows XP system partition with gParted from a live CD (either gParted LiveCD or SystemRescueCD) - which was successfull according to gParted - and rebooting, the following happens:

-The disk is checked, everything seems fine, and then Windows is booted.

-When Windows has booted, there is the following message (translated from german, so the original english message probably differs):
"Changed system configuration: New hardware has been installed. You must restart your computer to use the software for the hardware. The changes will be applied after restarting the computer. Restart now?"

I have not discovered any problems so far, I was just wondering if this behaviour is normal.



Re: Diskcheck and new hardware found after using gParted: Normal?

It is normal. After any changes on ntfs partitions you have to reboot into mswindows at least 2-3 times.

(Topic moved to rthe live media section)

*** It is highly recommended to backup any important files before doing resize/move operations. ***


Re: Diskcheck and new hardware found after using gParted: Normal?

O. k., thank you!