Topic: gparted-live-0.4.6-1 on usb, need password...

it's maybe not a new problem, but if somewone has got the solution, i' ve search a lot and found nothing.


Re: gparted-live-0.4.6-1 on usb, need password...

can you be a little more specific as to what/ where is asking you for a password?


Re: gparted-live-0.4.6-1 on usb, need password...

when i start gparted with the live usb, a grey background appears.nothing happens.
I press ENTER and a rectangle appears, who ask me a password...
its all
sorry for my bad expression, im french!


Re: gparted-live-0.4.6-1 on usb, need password...

If it asks for a user name type "root"
and the password would be "toor"  (root backwards)

I would try that to start, remember type both with out the quotation marks.