NOTICE: The following information is categorically NOT - I repeat, *NOT* - intended to be considered a criticism of, nor slight, insult or ridicule of the status quo with respect to the GPartEd SourceForge web page, project, moderators, developers or contributors, but, if anything, to make clear my new arrival here, and my confusion and challenge in getting what I've found to be a very good product, in a manner I can rely on.
(Continued from the previous message...) Well, I clicked on your link, and the only .MD5 in the "(checksums info)" link for "Browse Stable releases of GParted Live here" is the MD5 checksum for gparted-live-0.4.6-1.iso (and its corresponding .zip file). It *does* say "releaseS" (emphasis on the terminal 's', with its connotation of plurality, as in, all of the above, perhaps?) And *NOT*, I might add, for the gparted-live-0.4.6-3 indicated by a large green button for immediate download upon arrival at the GPartEd SourceForge page, but an entirely different one.
If I could find a simple FTP repository of all of these files, I'd expect to find an all-encompassing MD5SUMS file there, maybe... Or individual ones, perhaps? Haven't found one yet.
Imagine if they were included in the "View All Files" listing, alongside each relevant release - where people COULDN'T POSSIBLY MISS them?!
*THEN*, I clicked on the "(checksums info)" link for "Browse latest Testing releases of GParted Live here", and, lo and behold, THERE is the MD5 checksum set for not only the 0.4.6-3 release, but the 0.4.6-2 release (??).
So *NOW* I can conclude that the 0.4.6-3 release with the big green button on the main GPartEd page is a TESTING version, despite NOTHING indicating that it is ANYTHING OTHER than a "release" version.
But I have some earlier versions, and also want to be able to establish their integrity as well. Specifically:
Not to belabour the point any further, I consider it entirely too well-flogged already, but could you possibly direct me to MD5 checksums for both of these, please?
And to all who advance this project, keep up the good work - I consider it (in my limited experience) the flagship of purpose-based Linux distributions, and, despite dramatic changes, from one environment to another, GPartEd invariably shines through.
And, I might add, displays the stable flexibility and robust maturity that is SO Linux - or rather, GNU/Linux (after all...!)
Many thanks,
Bob. <^8#