Short instruction :
1. Forget "GParted" at the moment.
2. Launch "Puppy Linux"
3. Attach your SDHC card
4. Wait a moment, until its 3 icons appear on the desktop, single-click on sd.3 (maybe sda3, sdb3 or else), compare what you see with my print-out. If you see folder icons, I would expect the following :
bin, boot, dev, etc, home, lib, lost+found, media, mnt, opt, proc, sbin, sys, temp, usr, var
If so, open folder "bin" and look, that it is not empty. If this is true, congratulations ... you did a good job, and I was wrong with my negative assumption, proceed with step 5.
Probably however, you see only one file : "new_image.ext2" ... just MOVE it back to "my-documents" per drag and drop ( both two file manager windows open ).
Click on the Terminal icon, type
mkdir /mnt/ext2
mount -o loop /root/my-documents/new_image.ext2 /mnt/ext2
Verify the successful operation : Open "Home"-icon, click icon "Parent Folder", click "mnt", click "ext2". You should see all 16 above mentioned folders. Right-click "Select All Files" (maybe there is also an icon). Open "sd.3", drag source-package, drop to "sd.3", select "MOVE". All files and folders should be transferred.
5. Verify "sd.1" (vfat), structure must be as shown in my last post.
6. Shutdown "Puppy Linux", saving your personal profile.
7. Try to boot the Palm again with the SD card.
Good luck, maybe it works flawlessly.