Topic: Saving screenshots from GParted LiveCD?

Good morning!
A couple of years ago there was a sticky in the GParted Forums on saving screenshots, plus you could see Thunar from the GParted desktop.  Now I can't find a sticky, and I can't find the file browser in the latest version of GParted Live CD.

I ran some searches within the forum but didn't find anything on this.  I want to save screenshots to a thumbdrive so I can post them at Ubuntu Forums.  Could someone please point me toward some directions?  The less geeky the better smile


Re: Saving screenshots from GParted LiveCD?

Hello Telkwa,
here is a "howto".

Copying a "GParted" Screenshot to an USB-Stick
1. Be sure, that your Boot medium is first in Boot sequence ( and NOT the USB Stick).
2. Plug-in the USB-Stick.
3. Boot "GParted LIve"
4. When "GParted" stops scanning, look for the device name of your stick.
(I use as example "sdb1"; replace "sdb1" with your device's name, wherever it's used.)
5. Open "Terminal" window. Type at the prompt and confirm with [Enter] after each line.

"Mounting" the stick

mkdir /mnt/usb
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb
mkdir /mnt/usb/screenshot

6. Take a screenshot ( only one at a time, because file name is always "gparted.jpeg" )

7. Store screenshot to USB Stick

Copying to stick ( source to target)

cp  /root/gparted.jpeg   /mnt/usb/screenshot/gp_01.jpg

(Use a different number for the second and all other screenshots.)

You could also use "mc" (Midnight Commander) file manager for copying.



Re: Saving screenshots from GParted LiveCD?

Thank you cmdr!
I will go try this out ASAP.  A lot of guys are having trouble when using the partitioner in Ubuntu and I always suggest using the stand-alone GParted LiveCD.  Recently I wanted to post a screenshot or two but couldn't figure it out.